Expert Witness Psychologist/Psychiatrist Skills in the face of the Family Law Reform
This two day workshop is a vital learning medium for psychologists and psychiatrists who are currently working as expert witnesses and wish to continue to do so. The syllabus examines and disseminates the impact of Lord Ryder’s reforms and explains how the proposed protocols already affect experts working within family law.
This detailed workshop provides a clear template for experts to develop their existing skills to enable them to begin to prepare reports that fully meet the new requirements of expert witness reporting in family law. Experts will be taught the specific skills to produce reports in a new format that provides crucial information in a manner that is accessible to legal teams and judges and also provides key information and recommendations and achieves this in a condensed form. It is a considerable skill to be able to produce a considered and accurate analysis in a shortened report.
Report preparation and oral evidence skills including delivering evidence via video link are an important element of this workshop.
The course is run by Consultant Psychologist Christine Tizzard and practice director Shiona Watson.
Christine has worked as an expert witness since 2007 and has prepared in excess of 1500 reports for the family courts.
Course Fee: £340 includes all training materials and lunch on both days. Places are strictly limited to ten delegates.
Course dates 10th & 11th October 2013