Clinical Supervision at Christine Tizzard Psychology

shutterstock_15006421Chrissie Tizzard is a Registered Applied Psychology Practice Supervisor (RAPPS) registered with the British Psychological Society.

She has many years experience of providing individual and group supervision to psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors, both within the NHS and organisational settings. She has provided extensive supervision to psychologists working in the trauma field for many years and completed doctoral research in this area.

At its base supervision is a forum where supervises review and reflect on their work in order to maintain efficient ways of working and to ensure consistently high professional standards.

Professionals in practice bring their work to the supervisor and with assistance review the work that has been undertaken with clients. Supervision is based on the assumption that reflecting on the work carried out with clients, optimises further learning and increases performance which ultimately produces a better outcome for our clients. Supervision also is important in reducing ‘burn out’ amongst professionals.

In a relationship of trust and transparency supervisees are able to bring the challenges of their work to a space where they can discuss it, conceptualise options, resolve internal conflicts and return to their client base with increased motivation and skill.