[caption id="attachment_2013" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Perinatal mental health is a growing concern.[/caption]
New research from the Royal Co
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviour Disorders: Skin Picking, Hair Pulling and More
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
[caption id="attachment_1990" align="aligncenter" width="800"] The repetitive actions of picking skin and pulling hair are two examples of BFRBs.[
Why Hoarding Can Be a Psychological Issue (and how to get help)
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Extreme hoarding can cause distress and danger to the sufferer and those around them.
It may seem like a quirk of someone’s personality, or a si
Immersive virtual reality therapy helps treat autistic children’s phobias
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Virtual reality can be highly effective as a therapy tool.
A study at Newcastle University has found that immersive virtual reality programs can b
Mental Health in Rural Communities
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Some rural idylls can leave you cut off from mental health support.
If you’re lucky enough to live in the countryside, you’ll know it can lite
Papal Visit: Praying for Forgiveness Falls Short
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
As a consultant psychologist, I am stunned to see the Holy Father Pope Francis asking for God’s forgiveness for the atrocities that the Catholic Chu
De-bunking the Myths About Seeing a Psychologist
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Deciding to see a psychologist is a positive step forward for your wellbeing and mental health, but it may take you a while to make that initial conta
How to Combat Impostor Syndrome
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Impostor syndrome is not a recognised psychiatric disorder in its own right, but is acknowledged by psychologists and psychiatrists as a legitimate is
What is Learned Helplessness?
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
[caption id="attachment_1440" align="aligncenter" width="570"] Learned helplessness can make you feel more isolated and trapped than ever before.[/cap
What is a Panic Attack, and How Can You Treat It?
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
[caption id="attachment_1421" align="aligncenter" width="600"] A panic attack can make you feel trapped and afraid. Learn how to cope with panic attac