Borderline Personality Disorder (known as BPD) is a little-known mental health condition that affects approximately 1% of people in the UK. Sufferers
Exam Results Not Good? How to Move Forward
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
If your exam results aren't good, it can feel like the end of the world. We're here to reassure you there are ways to move forward and take control, m
PTSD Triggers – The Known and Unknown
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
It had been a perfect day, despite PTSD.
You were having fun. All of a sudden the fear, the flashbacks, the avoidance and the panic of
Anxiety: Why is it so hard to overcome?
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Why is anxiety so hard to overcome?
For many people anxiety can become a way of life. It tends to begin with worries about a certain thing or issue
Coping with Christmas After the Death of a Loved One
Posted on by Chrissie Tizzard
Coping with Christmas after the death of a loved one is always very painful. Pain is often made worse because everybody else appears to be happy